Effie Law
is full professor in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the Department of Computer Science, Durham University. She obtained her PhD in psychology from the University of Munich (LMU), Germany and became a research fellow at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2005, she has worked in School of Informatics, University of Leicester, UK, before joining Durham in September 2021. Her main research focus is HCI methodologies with technology-enhanced learning (TEL) being a key application domain. Her recent research foci are mixed reality, multidimensional measurement of UX, multisensory emotion recognition, and conversational AI (chatbots), which have significant relevance to education, health, and well-being.
She was the chair of two EU COST Actions on HCI design and evaluation methodologies: COST294-MAUSE and COST IC0904-TwinTide. She played a leading role in a number of EU TEL projects, including PROLEARN (professional learning), i4Camp (computer-supported collaborative work), Merlab (e-training on mechatronics), 80Days (game-based learning), iCOPER (e-learning standards), ROLE (open and responsive learning environment), Go-Lab/Next-Lab (online labs), and the running ARETE (Augmented Reality Interactive Educational Systems; 2019-2023). She was also involved in several national projects: AHRC Representing Reformation (an AR-based app for an archaeological site); ESRC Law in Children’s Lives (a tablet game for assessing legal competence), STFC C3AOL (cross-cultural online collaborative learning), and the running UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Verifiability Node (2020-2024). Effie’s main contribution to these projects was applying the Human-centred Design (HCD) approaches to the design and evaluation of the bespoke technologies to ensure their use quality.
She has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed papers. She is also serving as associate editor for two reputed journals: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies; Interacting with Computers. She has supervised 9 PhD projects to successful completion and been supervising the other 5 at different stages with several of them focusing on the use of AR/VR and gamification in education.
Last update: December 2022