Fernando Ramos
Professor at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, since 1982. Full Professor at the Department of Art and Communication since 2003. Main research interests: Communication Technologies and Society, eLearning, Distance Education, International Cooperation for Development.
Holds a degree on Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (1979), a PhD in Electrotechnical Engineering/Telecommunications (1992) and the Aggregate title in Communication and Art/Multimedia Communication (2001) all from the University of Aveiro.
Former Scientific Coordinator of CETAC.MEDIA, the Centre for the Study of Communication Sciences and Technologies, a joint research centre of the Universities of Aveiro and Porto (2008-2012).
Former Chairman of the Board of UNAVE, the interface of the University of Aveiro for vocational training and continuous education (2004-2014).
Former Director of CEMED-Multimedia and Distance Education Centre of the University of Aveiro and institutional leader for the promotion of eLearning and distance education methodologies and technologies (1999-2010).
Former Director of the Electronics and Telecommunication Dept (1994-1999) and of the Communication and Art Dept (2001-2005) of the University of Aveiro.
Author/co-author of more than 200 scientific and technical papers, mainly, for the last 15 years, in the fields of Digital Media in Education and Distance Education. Co-author/organizer of 5 scientific books.
Former Director of the PhD program on Information and Communication in Digital Platforms (2008-2014), a joint program of the Universities of Aveiro and Porto. Vice-Director of the PhD on Multimedia in Education of the University of Aveiro (2008-2014).
Supervisor of 9 PhD and over 30 MSc students. Chairman of the organizing committee of several national and international conferences, including eLES’04, the first eLearning in Higher Education conference organized in Portugal (2004).
Consultant in the areas of Communication Technologies, eLearning, Distance Education for international and national organisations: EU Commission, EACEA-European agency for Culture, Education and Audiovisual, BAD-African Development Bank, Portuguese Ministries of Economy and Industry, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, University of Cape Verde, University Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), University Agostinho Neto (Angola), National University of East Timor, Botho University (Botswana) and INED-The National Distance Education Institute (Mozambique).
Last update: September 2015