Rafael Calvo

Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. He has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence applied to automatic document classification (e.g. web site classification). He has taught at several Universities, high schools and professional training institutions. He has worked at Carnegie Mellon University, The University of Cambridge and Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), and as an Internet consultant for projects in Australia, Brasil, the US and Argentina.
Director Learning and Affect Technologies Engineering group. Associate Head, Teaching and Learning - School of Electrical and Information Engineering. Coordinator for the E-Commerce and Software Engineering Streams (with David Levy) E-Learning Technology Committee (USyd wide).
He is the recipient of 5 teaching awards, and the author of two books and various publications in the field.
Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
He is interested in Learning: how machines learn and how people can learn better with the support of technology. In particular: tools for 'learning through writing' in Engineering disciplines; affect-sensitive learning technologies; Informing learning technologies with student conceptions, perceptions and approaches to learning.

Last update: february 2011
