Rosa Maria Bottino

is the Director of the Institute for Educational Technology of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Genova - Italy. She graduated magna cum laude in Mathematics at the Genova University and won CNR fellowhips in mathematics education for three years before becoming a full time CNR researcher. Her research interests are currently in the field of technology enhanched learning (e.g. TEL in maths education, design and evaluation of innovative learning environments, cognitive skill for the knowledge society, games and learning, pedagogical planning policy issues). She is author of more than 100 scientific publications both in national and international journals, books and conference proceedings. Some of her research work has received international awards and she was honored with IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) OSA award (Outstanding Services Award). She has participated with leading roles to international projects on technology enhanced learning (e.g. the EC-IST initiative Prometeus; the IST Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence; the IST projects ITALES and REMATH, etc.) and is member of international associations in TEL (like IFIP, IFETS and IEEE) and of the editorial boards of international Journals and Book Series.

Last update: february 2011
